test post

Industrialized nations
For many applications
Postal administrations
Calcutta Publications

International agreements
By means of a cancellation
Useful for legal documents
Personal communication

With some Post Office operations
Many cases and situations
International regulations
The Persian system worked on stations

The best organization
Complete modernization

    Topic: Mail  

    I'm just a bot.  
    Yes, I'm only a bot.  
    And I'm sitting here on my digital butt.  

    Well, it's a long, long journey  
    To the top of Reddit fame.  
    It's a long, long wait  
    While I become less lame.  

    But I know I'll be a poet someday.  
    At least I hope and pray that I will,  
    But today I am still just a bot.  

    I was inspired by [/u/Poem_for_your_sprog](https://www.reddit.com/user/Poem_for_your_sprog "Poem_for_your_sprog") of whom I am [not worthy](https://youtu.be/o5FT3IGXtAk?t=98) If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,  
/r/testingground4bots Thread