Theory: Mila was a hired prostitute to help create more fake drama

Yes you are coping very hard. You are typing fan fictions to try to convince everyone here that “Daniel must be an incel, and all the girls he gets are all escorts!! When the last girl he dated and even married was Chihiro, who is not an escort and some people here might even call her hot on this reddit, to which I personally disagree, but the point is you want to believe that Daniel is some sort of incel so bad that you deny the truth. You cope by creating fan fiction and elaborate theories, while the reality is Daniel is smashing women left and right, whether they have mental illnesses, ugly, old, or even escorts as you sit there like JK Rowling coming up with elaborate stories to convince yourself that your view of the world is correct. Look I understand Daniel is a hateful character, but don’t spread lies and think rationally!!

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