Is there any benefit of signing early (even if you’re first choice and the company is pressuring you to do so?

Yep lol.. why is PwC more desperate for people than the other firms?

Same I have my final interview with Deloitte on Tuesday and KPMG I haven’t heard back from them - still says interviewing after 1.5 weeks.. KPMG was for a different location than I wanted, so unless the gave me a ton of money or let me switch locations idk). EY took forever to get back to me but I’m finally doing their prerecorded interview. I felt the least connected to them but they have the best program with the DSG (and the best location) so we will see if and what they offer.

I feel lowballed too, I love the WFH option though and def am willing to take a little less for that, but not like $5k+ lol. Also I kind of feel a guilt about them seeming to accept everyone

/r/Big4 Thread Parent