Is there any character in any western mythological tradition whose story shares themes with the Trojan horse tale?

One example is the story of Samson in the Bible. Like the Trojan horse, Samson’s story involves a clever deception that ultimately leads to a great victory. In his case, Samson was able to defeat the Philistines by hiding his true strength and using his wits to outsmart them. He pretended to be weak and allowed himself to be captured, only to reveal his true power at the right moment and destroy his enemies.

Another example is the story of the fall of Jericho in the Bible. In this tale, the Israelites were able to conquer the city by using a similar strategy to the Trojan horse. They marched around the walls of Jericho for seven days, and on the seventh day, they blew their trumpets and shouted, causing the walls of the city to collapse. Like the Trojan horse, this victory was achieved through a combination of patience, deception, and divine intervention.

In Norse mythology, there is a tale of Loki’s deceit, which has some similarities to the Trojan horse story. In this tale, Loki is able to trick the gods into fighting each other by convincing them to use weapons made from mistletoe, which he knew was the one substance that could harm the god Baldr. Like the Trojan horse, this story involves a clever deception that ultimately leads to conflict and betrayal.

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