CF husband tricked into children. Wife wonders now why he’s distance.

Even though my first STI/STD panel was a shock to me due to herpes (just after my first sexual experience - using a condom obviously) - after some struggle I've arrived at similar conclusion to what you've just said. It's a pity that "those" (these? Sorry, I'm not a native speaker) kind of diseases carry such a stigma and discourage proper testing (and treatment) due to... I guess shame mostly? It sucks.

I've had a chance to work through such an experience and now it's extremely simple to me - if anything is out of order (or suspicious) - the next day I'm in front of a doctor with my pants down. Nothing shameful about it - it's their fucking job. Not to mention prevention, testing between partners and... well, knowing the risks (and what condoms can and can't do) before going ahead with the deal. Anyway - I'm preaching to the choir in your case anyway, it's just in case someone else reads it too.

And on that note - folks, vaccinate for HPV! It's not age limited and it's never too late if you're sexually active - I'm nearing 40 and have my third scheduled dose in a week. And if you catch the carcinogenic strain - sucks much more than herpes, especially if you have female partners that you care about. It's called Gardasil-9 here, pretty cheap and available in all pharmacies.

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