As I was painting my centaurs became deer people (these things happen). Which made me wonder, does any mythology include half deer/half human creatures?

You shared your artwork on reddit, that very much is asking for least most artists would agree with that. I'm very sure that if this conversation was happening in an art-centered sub, you would be the one being downvoted, for being so hostile when someone was offering you honest advice..I know this because I give advice to other artists very often and most are MUCH more receptive than you've been...

I'm autistic, I'm sorry I don't always choose the nicest words, I don't mean to come off as not nice. I did not mean to seem as though I was bullying you or being mean to you. I was giving you my honest opinion in a comment, in a public forum, on the internet.

Even at the risk of making you even angrier with unsolicited advice, I strongly suggest that the next time a comment bothers you as much as mine did... that you just ignore it and let it roll off, for your own sake...

I already wished you well on your art journey, also.. and I appreciate your well wishes whether you were just mocking what I said, or not..

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