Is there anything I can do to stop this?

Oh dude. My last pregnancy, I threw up more in the second and third trimesters due to heartburn than I did in the first. Heartburn pukes (unlike morning sickness pukes) would come on suddenly, I'd find myself coughing then sprinting to the bathroom. It was fucking HORRIBLE. By far the worst part of the pregnancy.

I tried every useless folk remedy, changing my diet, thirty different kinds of Tums, Gaviscon, Zantac (worked for a while!), etc. My medicine cabinet looked like I was about to go one-on-one in a chili-eating contest with Chris Christie, and yet nothing really helped until I started on Nexium. You take it one day and it will help you the next day, so it's not like any of the other "fast-acting" antacids. I would buy a 14-pack at Walgreens and think "Surely I won't need this beyond two weeks," and every. single. time. I'd have to go buy another 14-pack. Stupid.

This time around, I went to Costco and got a 6-week pack of Nexium and have been taking it nightly since my heartburn started up in earnest a couple of weeks ago. This time, I'm not kidding myself: I know I need to take it and I'm not going to stop until I give birth.

tl;dr Nexium. I was going through the exact same shit you were and Nexium made my life livable and turned me back into a human person instead of a boiling cauldron of miserable stomach acid. I'm not a shill; however, if there are any Nexium execs reading this, feel free to send me three months' worth of free Nexium.

/r/January2018Bumpers Thread