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I have been kind and respectful to you. I don't believe we're even on opposite sides of any debate. I'm also not ignorant, (but blind adherence to old beliefs without reassessing them can be). Please stop trying to pick fights over nothing. You're accusing me of things that are untrue. I have done a lot of work to be open-minded. You are truly just looking to argue with someone. As I've said, it must be tiring for you to feel that you're surrounded by ideological enemies. Most humans mean well; this includes teachers who are working hard to do a job well. Flat earthers are demonstrably wrong, by the way. Science and observation are one of the ways by which humans learn how to adjust their worldviews. It's a valuable asset to humanity. Of course, as humans learn more, we build on scientific foundations that we've built in the past, adjust them as necessary, and continue to strive for more knowledge. That's how humanity has been learning since antiquity.

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