There's This George Carlin Monologue I Feel Perfectly Encapsulates the Overriding Theme of Fury Road

If women are so great why did the Vuvalini banish all men to roam the Quagmire after the Green Place went sour? They treated men just like Immortan treats women - if the Vuvalini had male babies they threw them into the quagmire and only visited them when they grew up to reproduce and leave them alone. I'm not making this up, go ahead and ask Colin Gibson what the Vuvalini's backstory is - he'll tell you the same story. This whole narrative that one sex is better than the other completely falls apart with any Mad Max movie. That's the whole point of those movies. If you go too much into one way or the other you're at danger of sounding pretty ignorant like Carlin did just now. The truth lies in the middle.

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