Thermo Regulator not cooling?

You can't make liquid hydrogen with a thermo regulator though as there are no gasses that stay a gas at the temperature of liquid hydrogen (at least not without exploiting the 1/10th packet thing

This is not technically true: You can run the hydrogen directly through the thermo regulator until it condenses (and breaks the pipe). The liquid hydrogen will then spill from the shattered pipe at the very end of the process where you can scoop it up.

Use a pair of regulators and a thermo sensor, to make sure that packets are only sent to the second regulator when that last push will condense it and loop them back to the first regulator if the hydrogen will remain gaseous after another trip.

You want to make sure that only hydrogen which will condense will be sent to the second regulator, otherwise gaseous hydrogen will leak from your shattered pipe, contact your spilled liquid hydrogen and re-vaporize it.

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