Mother battling circumcision now a wanted woman

This is insanity.

They aren't just cutting it off. They numb ya up or otherwise block the nerves from firing, wait for blood flow to stop, and remove the extra skin. You can agree or disagree with the practice, but at least get the general procedure right.

Yeah this isn't brutal and unnecessary at all.

It's not so clean and pretty when it's not on paper...

And circumcision corrects what some view as a cosmetic issue as well.

How do you figure? People accustomed to it are the only people who see it that way. In countries where uncut men are more normal it's not seen as a cosmetic issue that needs correcting. And how fucked is it that you can sit here and talk about forcibly "correcting" non-defective parts of OTHER peoples bodies just because you think they look nicer? The lack of empathy is people have toward men is just insane.

Fuck everyone's idea of cosmetics except the owner of the dick. His body; his choice.

Yeah, we totally don't have left over crap in us from evolution that is no longer necessary. I mean, our appendix is so useful. So our the tonsils. Foreskin causes increased risk of STDs and UTIs.

Yeah lets just ignore benefits of the penis remaining an internal organ. Also STDs and UTIs can, once again, be prevented with education, condoms, and cleanliness. If you think pertinently and painfully altering a helpless child is a better option than those three things you're a lost cause, because I can't explain empathy to someone with what I can only describe as situational sociopathy.

If you are going to ignore the health benefits of circumcision, then you ignore the purely cosmetic changes of a cleft lip surgery, you are holding an odd double standard.

I'm not following. As for health there's safer and more human ways to accomplish all the same things, and your cleft lip comparison was complete bullshit. An uncut penis is not defective, a cleft lip is. An uncut penis serves a purpose. A cleft lip doesn't.

Hell, you obviously don't even know how circumcisions are performed and you flat out refuse to accept the fact that you could be wrong. This conversation is pointless.

I was thinking something similar. If you can't see how changing another persons body is wrong, that all the pros to it can be gained elsewhere in a human manner, that this part of the male anatomy isn't useless and defective garbage that should just be thrown out, then this conversation is pointless, because I just don't know how to make you understand empathy.

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