So this is a thing...

it looks like something where people can gain perspective on something they may not understand,

"lets interpret demographic information in a way that biases everyone into thinking that most white people get small advantages and disadvantages in life and that most black people get small disadvantages in life, when the actual issues are culture and economic inequality."

No one thinks that someone cant go to this meeting and "gain perspective on something they dont understand." I can go to any gathering of people and gain some perspective on how other people think. Why not go to some hate group or cult rally if "gaining perspective" from some group of people is the point? Because it's not the point.. the point is not to hear someone's perspective about their experiences of being discriminated against, its to use school resources in a beyond stupid way to make people feel like the average white person is ahead of where they deserve to be and the average minority is behind where they deserve to be... which is just trash....

dude you dont have any functional knowledge of why people dont like this event and its clear as fucking day in every single one of your stupid whiny posts. you talk about youre a "member of some organization" to help people yet you spent half your day bitching on reddit to people you dont even begin to understand...

This topic of this event makes no sense because its portraying a view of the world where racism is this big dominant force in shaping lives minorities when growing up dirt poor, growing up without family support or role models, etc. are the actual reasons.

Im a white kid who got beaten by my alcoholic dad because his dad was an alcoholic that beat him~~~ then kicked out of the house and cut off by my mom after my first year at tech while still being claimed on her tax returns. I was homeless for half the summer and had to take a year off to work an hourly job so I could afford food and rent. 99.9% of this school has had more wealth and opportunities than I have. So people taking the hours and hours and days that Ive spent trying to fight my way out of sleeping in centennial park to becoming a good student with close supportive friends, and taking one look at my skin and attributing my success to my whiteness without knowing me, or the abuse I faced at home and at school.... is just gross. youre part of the problem, and you have never had to fight for anything in your life so you simply dont understand what actually matters in this world and what doesnt.

and stop replying to people who you dont understand at all.... youre getting downvoted not because everyone "doesnt understand," but because youre being a fucking idiot.

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