Thoughts on adderall for ADD?

Can't really be the one to give you any garuantees as everyone's physiological/neurochemical makeup is based on their past experiences and everything adding up to this current moment in time.

Or even looking through reddit, on places like nootropics, people have discussed this substance to death.

It works. The main problem being there are so many pathways that lead to exicitiotoxicity either vis its downstream effects on GABA via D2 agonism and glutamate stimulation, eventually you can run out of the proteins required to synthesize GABA, which leaves Glutamate unchecked, the release of Dopamine and the subsequent formation of Dopamine quinone and its catalyzing of ROS and subsequent effects of neurotoxicity of striatial DOPA-R, Neurotoxicity of 5HTR,

All of these stems from the same mechanism of action that make the Drug so efficacious in stimulation, mainly its propensity to Inhibit Reuptake of 5HT, DOPA, and NOR and their subsequent release of these 3 neurotransmitters. There's also things to be wary of, for instance one of the free radical mechanism (can't remember off the top of my head if its one mediated by Glutathione or SOD) can be afflicted by the inhibition of Adenonsine Receptors, hence why drinking coffee and Adderall isn't a good idea.

Can't tell you if you'll develop psychoses, as people are prone to psychiatric illness depending on past blunt force traumas, past diet, environmental toxin exposures, etc, there's too many factors to take into consideration, however, I can tell you that I've used it for a quite long period at 10 mg IR a day, to relieve symptoms of ADHD. Some people find that they need to up it to 40mg/day. I really don't see the need for it, YMMV. Google is your friend.

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