Tiger cub cozying up to her mother

So what is up any way? Mod's don't want me posting here? Just ask me nicely and I will walk away and never post in this sub again. You guys can go back to having 1-3 posts per week and we can call it a day. I don't understand this sudden fake bullshit reason for removing my posts as reposts while the mods leave up obvious reposts of my posts that are literally on the front page of this sub. Then when I politely point out all the reposts you pretend to care about via mod mail you silence me. That is straight up trump levels of hypocrisy.

Have the balls to be consistent for with your rules for Odin's sake or tell me to leave. I doubt you will and fully expect to be banned from this sub arbitrarily with no explanation given. At this point I really don't care.

/r/babybigcatgifs Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it