TIL: Banks are offering some unbelievable cards with 0% interest until 2020

Yeah, Gary Johnson is a sexy man with a big ass Johnson and he would have whipped that thing around to assert dominance. He isn’t a low T soyboy so no socialism and equality bullshit. Private prisons will be established, and they will give those niggers work! Nothing more prescious than the sight of a hard working nigger trying to get his life back on track, retraining his nigger brain to think correctly and to stop lusting for the white women. Slavery wasn’t really that bad, it created a racial hierarchy where the nigs were hospitable and hard working beings rather than ungreatful thugs. The hierarchy is better for everyone, even the niggers as niggers were lost without their masters, which is why many of them were lost without their masters.

/r/u_compare_cards Thread Link - comparecards.com