Today would have been Bailey's 21st birthday (if she were real)! She can finally, legally, drink her mom's vodka and gas station orange juice with Jeff Sokol! Everyone wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Lol. In this community - TCAP is To Catch a Predator, a tv show from the mid-2000s that the web series Hansen vs Predator (HvP) is based on.

This post is a reference to one of the episodes of HvP. Specifically it is a reference to the Jeff Sokol episode. Jeff Sokol is a pervert that had a several weeks long chat with a someone whom he thought was a 13 year old girl. During the course of the chat, he was almost exclusively interested in sexual topics that no adult should be discussing with a child (he wanted to know about the child's personal/private grooming habits, her sexual history, he encouraged her to masterbate, ect). During the chat he was insistan

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