Took this shot in Miami from my hotel balcony...can anyone tell me what the heck it is please?

The US honestly is a great place to live. I currently live in beautiful Mountainy Colorado but I come from a suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana.

It doesn't matter where you want to live, America is so fucking diverse it's awesome. San Fransisco and Oakland are separated by just one bridge, New York is both a state and another costly coastal city thousands of miles away. Texas is like a conservative wet dream, and Oklahoma is Texas without the good parts. The south east is for homes to live in, Florida has lax media regulations and a climate not too different from Havana.

There's a place if you wanted to live in the snow called Minnesota or if you really just need winter there's Alaska, you can smoke pot in a cafe in Oregon, or take an AmTrak train to Chicago with a bunch of extremely poor people! $8 hotdogs, but incredibly gorgeous views and a feel of the past.

It's a beautiful country with so much to give, most Americans literally don't give a shit about other countries because America is such a stable place. I fucking love the USA despite our quirks or Russian President.

TL;DR Give America a little more thought, please, because no matter who you are there's a place to fit.

Bonus: No more Travel Muslim Ban!

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