The Co-Optional Podcast Ep. 162 ft. Force Gaming [strong language] - March 16th, 2017

Well this went downhill fast. Let me just make my point a bit clearer, since what triggered my reaction was TB claiming Dark Souls is 'hard, but fair', but Desync is 'unfair'. I am nor a fan, nor a hater of either game. It's just something that bothered me slightly.

First off, I will agree that Dark Souls is hard in the sense that there is a lot of artificial difficulty introduced by lack of information, bugs and technical issues. The combat system itself is actually not difficult. You don't have to memorize and practice a thousand combo moves and you don't need ultra fast reaction times. There are ripostes, but you don't actually need to rely on them in order to progress. I think you can get by most of the game by just using magic. Plus, you can also abuse the bad AI and do cheap stuff yourself. I think we can safely conclude at this point that the difficulty does not come from the combat system.

Lets now talk a bit about unfairness. Unfairness is not inherently a bad thing. It is something that defines some games and caters to a certain demographic. A completely fair game would be one that introduces all of the information you need to know prior to you needing it and providing you with the tools necessary to progress. And it would be up to the player to make use of that information to develop a plan and then execute it. In that sense unfairness comes from the lack of information and/or tools. If you think about it, every game is unfair to a certain degree. There is always that moment when you thought to yourself 'Oh, If I knew that I would have done much better'. The thing is, Dark Souls is one of those games where nothing is given to you beforehand, except some key controls at the start. You always go in blind, die, go back, die again and so on until you get the necessary information by trial and error and finally manage to continue to the next encounter, AND it is very punishing on top. As I said in my original post, unless you learned about something beforehand like by watching a playthrough or looking up stuff in the wiki, you will be in hell. And that is indeed the whole point of the game, BUT that is exactly why it is unfair by design. There is also the case of enemies being able to attack through walls even though the player can't, crappy camera controls and other bugs or technical issues, but that just adds to it.

As a conclusion I will say that I'm wary of people who claim that Dark Souls is fair, as that is not true at all and the concept of unfairness is rooted into its design.

In regards to Desync, I would like to agree with the points TB is making, but to me it seems that most of that game's difficulty comes from having a difficult combat system, where situational awareness, fast reaction and knowledge of the 'desync moves' is key. I haven't really looked into it myself and don't know any more than what TB complained about in his 'WTF is' video, but I think you can guess why I find it a bit odd by now.

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