True 1991 GenXers, please continue my story :) The first day I listened to Nevermind...

You enter the store and the first thing you see is a CD of one of those hair metal bands, but you’ve never heard of this record. Despite how much you hate those guys... you decide to buy the CD because you figure that there’s not many other options. And maybe this music will actually be good, you think maybe you’re just to picky. But then you remember about that band Stevie mentioned. What was it again? You ask him but he can’t quite remember. So you keep walking around the record store, your friends also buying glam metal records despite their hatred for them. Out of the corner of your eye, you see an album cover you’ve never seen before in the back. And you’re thinking... “what the hell is this? looks pretty good though“ “oh wait, Stevie this is the band your cousin mentioned!” So you tell your friends to buy the album, and you buy it as well. When you get home you put the CD in and are instantly captivated by the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. You can’t wait to everyone at school to listen to this. It’s gonna start a revolution!

So you spend the rest of the evening listening to Nirvana’s Nevermind and repeat, and by 2pm you’ve already thrown that that hair metal record you bought in the fireplace (which you didn’t even listen to it yet)

/r/grunge Thread