TSM 2.0

Heres the thing, Athena, Snakey and Jema don't feel wlecome in the guild anymore. I gurantee you there are more. We lost two great potential recruits because they stated before hand they don't want to be in a guild that has racist slurs slung around casually. I told them the truth and they moved on.

We have slowly alienated people over time over this casual usage and yes I know when words are said they are not intentionally said with malice but there is history and connotations associated with them for some people that transcends understanding unless you are part of their target. In the end the effects they have had on a whole have been negative, not positive, and comparing me to Vine is not exactly fair. Vine banned ALL vulgarity including cursing and fostered non-cooperation in the guild. I am barely limiting vulgarity here. I think if you find the time to be semi professional at work then the 10 zillion other neutral curse words at your disposal are totally fine to help unwind in game without having to potentiall harm the guilds own potential to be a better entity for all.

/r/squirrelmafia Thread Parent