Questions About GrapheneOS Coming From iPhone

  1. My hardest transition from iOS to Graphene:

  2. There is no robust open source Chinese keyboard on Android, trime is considerably traumatic to use because it is clunky.

  3. The gesture is fairly different between Android and iOS and I spent significantly more time to finish a single step. (such as android’s control centre)

  4. OSM does not provide sufficient public transport routes and restaurants so I still have to use google maps to help me commute or travel.

  5. The transition animation on Android is very bad compared to iOS. When I fullscreen a video there’s a very brief lag.

  6. When lying on bed and when I fullscreen a video always lies on a different orientation that I don’t want, which is extremely annoying.

  7. Android proprietary apps have more trackers but you can create separate profile to alleviate the issue anyways.

  8. My password manager does not integrate well with my browser so I invariably switch to my password manager to copy all the stuff manually.

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