Turning 16, classic car dilemma

I would personally say something like a Crown Vic or an older Miata (2nd gen preferable) if you want a car that has a TON of available parts and are 'classic/iconic' I guess lol. You should definitely consider safety as one of your top priorities as boring as that sounds though. I don't know your situation, but im just going to assume that this car is going to be a daily driver for you (school/job/whatever), and if that's the case I honestly wouldn't recommend getting something oldschool like that quite yet. Not saying throw the idea out, but save it for a little bit down the road when you are more accustomed to maintaining/owning a vehicle and all that junk. Classics are nice cars but more modern cars are a million times better at nearly everything they do.

/r/whatcarshouldIbuy Thread