Alright Xbox users. Time to show the PC guys we do love and appreciate them! Vote for your favorite mod creator so they can win a top of the line gaming PC!

I've came to the same conclusion as the other people in this thread. You just seem to attack back when someone doesn't agree and instantly go into cursing, calling people dumb, and condescendingly asking people if they are new after they left a well thought out comment. People aren't always going to agree, why try to belittle someone because they have a different perspective?

To be blunt, the concept of your title is stupid. You are asking console players to vote on their favorite mod creator. I mean...they don't have access to mods. Most of them have only seen screenshots on the subreddit of very few mods. On top of that, the twitter poll on has 4 predetermined choices. Before you say anything, I understand it was 'their favorites' but that's what makes it even more dumb.

It's basically asking people who can't even use what the topic is about to vote for something they have little knowledge about and have never experienced for themselves. It just seems senseless.

As someone who has access to mods, I think their list is terrible. To narrow down an ocean of mods to those particular 4 choices seems odd. I know it's just my opinion but I think everyone who uses mods would agree there are better, more essential, more immersive, more cosmetic, and more game changing mods that should be in. Each list would be subjective but this is just a shallow list with no substance, no customization, and no depth.

At the end of the day, I agree mod creators deserve all of the hurrahs they can get but I'm not sure a PC is the way to show that. Even then, the list only allows 4 creators to even be displayed. What about the thousands of other modders that are just as deserving?

Not to totally derail you, but I feel like a lot of your logic is flawed and you were just refusing to see things from the other side.

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