Tyson's employers have no regard for truth and accuracy

Hey, I was happy to find your post about the bogus 'game' that NDT has stamped his name onto, but...

While I would heartily agree that NDT should never be 'director' of any planetarium, nevermind the Hayden, if not for plain marketing, and that he's not a scientist...

Now I'm seeing that you're an entirely illegitimate actor, driven not by a rational search for truth but by defense for some sick war criminals like Bush who did absolutely nothing to prevent tragedies like 911 and in fact profited handsomely from it and still do to this day.

Seriously man, for all of the nonsense NDT has spouted, for all of the illegimacy, for all of the greed... How dare you bring someone like Bush into it as the argument for why NDT is wrong and should be ostracized? Are you F'IN SERIOUS? LOL.

/r/Neil_deGrasse_Tyson Thread Link - i.redd.it