[PubQ] Query Critique: A Desire to Leap, Fantasy, 240k words


What you see here is my reader brain. I do this sort of thing not because I hate writers and want to tear them down, but because at this point I've been trying and failing to make an artistic career for myself. Even trying to find my niche has been hard.

But at this point, my reader brain is the one commenting here. My writer/knitter/cross-stitcher brain is the one sat at home getting frustrated with my craft not quite turning out how I envisaged. In writing, you can totally move on from a failed project and waste only time. In cross-stitching and knitting, the yarn or thread for a failed product costs dozens of pounds/dollars/pieces of eight. Failure comes with a price, but most people fail before they succeed. I tried to sew my colleague a picture of a cat for her birthday. I can count the number of effing cat patterns and kits I've tried to complete on two hands, yet the present is still nowhere near completion. (The upside is that if you keep the pattern, you can try again on new canvas, just like you can rewrite a book using the same premise and story until you get it right.)

Craft is hard. You don't get there overnight. You need to listen and learn and have patience.

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