Update on Today's Stuff

should be grounds for some serious reconsideration of Nick's place on the NLSS.

No, man. Getting into a disagreement with your mates in public isn't cause for exile.

He should at least fuck off for a while to get his shit in order

That's not how that works, especially considering that neither you or I know that "his shit" is, never mind neither of us being qualified to play Armchair Psychiatrist.

Let's be honest, the only reason you or I are pissy is because our free internet entertainment didn't make us happy today. But I'm not making a Change.org petition to strike The Last Jedi from the canon or something childish. We're already bitching on social media, that's bad enough. We may as well be OldPeopleFacebook right now. Is that the kind of person you want to be?

We're adults and should ideally be able to focus on more important things other than "The host of a show I like did something that annoyed me."

/r/northernlion Thread Parent