Updated Rules and Community Suggestion Thread

What, no long rant this time?

This is a community. I can show all the comments I've made with the other moderators. I'm trying to improve the quality of the sub since it's turned into just complaints and spamming memes. This should be about baseball and about the diamondbacks, but it hadn't been for a few weeks this season.

I understand it's a thankless job and everyone is bitching at me, but it has clearly improved the quality of the sub from the content I can see. The only things that have been removed are repetitive comments and unnecessary threads. I, personally, do not feel I'm censoring anyone... it just becomes obnoxious when every single person says the same thing. No one wants to scroll through a flurry of "God Byrnes sucks" comments to find something related to an interesting statistic related to the game.

I stickied this comment and there hasn't been a single related post in this thread. Everyone is talking about the game now. So, at least for this post, it's working and not censoring.

/r/azdiamondbacks Thread Parent