Tulpamancy's Culture has Limiting Effects.

Right off the bat you are accusing me of things that I do not believe. I really really would like it if you took the time to understand my point of view rather than assuming the worst of my point of view. I would really like it if you took the time to ask me "why" instead of accusing me.

I do not think tulpa should be treated like tools. I did not make this post in order to justify treating tulpas as tools. I made this post in part as a belief that if I expand my theories and views to include more groups, if I try to make my own opinions broader in scope so I no longer need to or "believe" the world works in a way that leads me to accuse people of being delusional, then I could get along better with this community, make more friends, be happier, and belong.

No Reguile, none of those things are "really happening", we are aware of that Reguile. Most tulpamancers are aware that headspace/wonderland is not physical/objective reality, Reguile.

Again, I really really didn't want this post to become a time where I was accusing everyone of being delusional. I thought I was being more open, I thought I was accepting more, I thought I was doing well by people like you when I wrote this.

You see abstraction as a form of delusional thinking which allows tulpamancers to create thinking/acting tulpas.

I thought it was a bridge. I thought it was something that allowed me to be honest with myself and my worldview, that let me escape doubt, and gave me a framework by which to finally put all this theory crafting under me and take a step further. I thought the idea of abstraction creating a real and vivid experience atop any possible backing would make it so that I could have my views of the limitations of the brain while also being able to communicate and function when discussing with everyone else. I hoped, again, to build bridges here. I hoped to move forward, I didn't intend people to react this way.

And now you are upset because people aren't agreeing with you

I'm upset because people think I'm a fucking bug, ripe for squashing.

I'm sorry if I'm wasting your fucking time.

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