The Urgent Need For Shame

I consider it to be my moral responsibility to shame cucks at every opportunity. I believe that any man who wishes to preserve his culture ought to focus the bulk of his shaming efforts on the weak-minded men within his group (i.e. cucks).

Of course, it is imperative to shame other groups as well, such as:

  • Faggots: Sexual perversion is a cancer to society, as it has a destructive influence on the family unit. Do not allow social pressure to intimidate you into "accepting" a faggot's abnormal and degenerative lifestyle. They are perverts, and they needed to be shamed for thinking that perversion is acceptable.

  • Promiscuous women: The FIRST time you see a woman behaving promiscuously, you need to tell her that you don't tolerate girls who act like sluts, and that if she continues to do so then she's gotta GTFO.

  • Interracial relationships: Interracial breeding poses a dangerous threat to the West, particularly since it is actively being promoted by our chosen friends. Every time I see an interracial relationship, I immediately tell whoever I'm with that I think it's disgusting and shameful. If they ask why, I'll either tell them about Derek Jeter's admission of being bullied as a child by both blacks and whites, or I'll show them this video of Muhammad Ali explaining why interracial couples are unhappy and engage in self-hatred. Also, my younger sister is well-aware that if I ever found out she had sex with a non-White, I would beat the guy's ass and then never forgive her for doing it.

  • Women who walk all over "nice guys": Of course, it is the "nice guy's" fault for weak-minded and overly-tolerant of shitty female behavior. That said, when I see it happening to a White man (which is frequently the case) then I have found it's best to show him how it's done. About a year ago, when I was out at a bar, there was a young guy making out with a pretty girl for literally the entire night. After the bar closed, my friends and I were waiting for a cab outside, and then I see the two make-out buddies walk outside the bar. So the young guy asks if she wants to share a cab with him. Her reply was a blunt "no" and that she'd prefer to call her dad for ride, after which she just starts walking away. So I say "Hold on, wait a minute. You were making out with this guy for literally the entire night. But now you won't even share a ride home with him? WTF kind of bullshit is that? And then you call your dad at fucking 4 AM for a ride? Clearly your dad doesn't do a good job of keeping you in line."* There were a bunch of other bros waiting for cabs who saw this interaction and thought it was hilarious. She looked shocked but then managed to respond "Well excuse me but it's my 21st birthday." So I told her, "Well that means I have X amount of years of knowledge on your ass so you should probably just listen to me and stop being a pain in the ass to every guy you come across." She then got so upset that when the cab dispatch saw it, he told me to take a cab that had come for someone else. Mission accomplished.

  • Men who tolerate cheating: When I was in college, I found out that my fraternity brother's girlfriend was cheating on him. The next time I saw him, at a party, I told him that I needed to tell him something. So I brought him to the basement and told him what I had heard and that I think he should confront her about it and then break up with her. He responds, "Nah, she would never do that man. It can't be true." I slapped him in the face and said, "That's for being a cuck. You will confront her about this - and if you don't, I'm going to make sure the rest of the fraternity knows about it. Why? Because I'm not gonna respect a guy who has no self-respect." He broke up with her the next day.

  • Non-white misbehavior towards Whites, and male abuse of White women: I saved these two scenarios for last because these are special circumstances. Why? Because you need to be prepared to fight in each of these situations. Confront the guy immediately, tell him what he did wrong, and let him know that if he doesn't correct it then you'll correct him. I don't condone violence, but situations like these are typically tense. Be ready for anything.

/r/RedPillReality Thread