Vegan muslims on Eid Al-Adha

We believe that we have to respect all lives and that's why we need to carry out the slaughter in a way that is halal. By doing so, we are acknowledging that although the life of the creature is precious, we need to consume it. And we ask for Gods blessing to make the meat halal and permissible for us to kill the animal.

Vegans on the other hand, believe that we should stop eating all animal products. If you prefer to not eat meat, it's fine. But saying that you're a 'vegan', that you'll never consume any dairy or meat products is just being conceited. The plants you're eating are living beings as well. There are millions of bacteria and viruses in your body that are constantly dying so that you can live. Does these lives not matter? The whole concept of veganism is hypocritical and counter-productive.

We need meat and dairy products to survive and to remain fit. The only reason being vegan these days is feasible is because of technological developments. Don't eat meat? Here you go, just take these pills and you'll have the necessary nutrients.

If you don't like meat, don't eat it. But don't be dramatic and say that meat is murder.

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