Video Proof that R3 controls Mike Hearn and Produces Propoganda On Day He "Quit"

Sorry, did anyone here actually watch the video in context?

All the guy did was quote Mike. While trying to make a point about his opinion that the block chain can be decoupled from the currency.

He didn't say they were controlling him. He didn't imply that they had any role in it. There was no propaganda mentioned. It was a side-comment about someone who is involved in bitcoin that no longer is. So the title of this thread doesn't even make any sense, and peoples reactions are knee-jerk and reflect that they didn't pay attention to what was said in the video.

I actually find the rest of the video way more interesting. Because they go into discussing really what the difference is between their current database system and the block chain. That's the big discussion here lately right?

Everyone here is claiming there's no difference. You might be interested to hear that the first response he got was "there isn't much difference".

I think you should all watch the rest of the video and start to see what these people are thinking. How they're approaching this project. What hurdles they're running into. It's also really interesting to point out that they mentioned they may not get very far over the next 10 years because of all the regulatory obstacles they are going to run into.

This is where Bitcoin is going to shine. Because it's operating outside of their red tape system, and has an opportunity to scream right past them. The grass roots movement is how bitcoins going to grow. So we all need to get our bumper stickers out, start handing out yBitcoin magazines, and get everyone outside of the banking system involved.

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