Virgin looking for advice from escorts.

Not an escort but maybe it'll help. Asian with a 4 1/2 inch penis here. I've never had issues getting laid, and I'm not that good looking either. Funny thing is in all of the 10(no braggin just perspective) women I've slept with no one has complained about my size, not even the escorts even though I was dwelling on it being an issue. This was in Asia for what it's worth. She was even saying I fucked her too hard and left her sore. This made me realize how our(american) culture focuses way too much of size, bigger = better. Browse porn enough and you'll find that the guys focus more on penis size than the girls, "omg girls hot but dude has small penis". Besides, a lot of women don't even orgasm during sex, no matter how large the wang. Bigger is not always better for women either, as I presume it can be painful and awkward. 4 inch is definitely workable, but losing weight is key. There was an AMA a while back about a girl dating a guy with micro penis. She didn't start mind fucking him until his insecurity kept on bleeding through, and she got turned off.

Sleeping with an escort won't magically open the flood gates for vagina to flow your way, if only it will make being a virgin not a big deal. There's so much stigma behind that. My buddy gone to be 30 before losing it to an escort and he still hasn't gotten laid as he never makes any effort and still dresses like 10 years ago, always dicky shorts and dodger hats.... which brings me to another point. Dress well. Make it to a point where you create an ideal persona that will attract women(without being fake) and aim for it. Anyways, I can't stress enough, penis size is no matter, and while I'm insecure about it as well, it's no way near the constant reminder that I'm a skinny 5'5.

PS: Here's an Asian "small penis" guy with a unique technique :D

/r/AskAnEscort Thread