prices and “ethically seeing a provider”

oh? all those people can afford that amount, u snarky bitch?

first time ive heard that paying someone the advertised price for a service they are offering is exploiting. Plus idk if id really consider them foreign (the country in europe ill go to) since i have citizenship there , speak the language, am of that descent, etc.

Are u escorting because ur too dumb to do anything that would pay nearly as much? Does that mean ur clients are exploiting u since u signed up for the job out of financial necessity?

obv am being rude but no more than u were being from the start, unprovoked.

since the thread went to shit and im done with it anyway i might as well branch off into all sorts of tangents.. u seen any good movies lately, broke ass ms shrimp?

/r/AskAnEscort Thread Parent