Walking up Ben lomond this weekend, any tips/advice

My suggestion would be descend via the alternative route if you’re at all able. It’s a bit steeper, and definitely less “touristy.” Plus, it offers some different views for the way down.

Have a look at Walkhighlands to see if the route sounds doable. If it sounds too difficult for you, definitely return the way you went up. It’s worth having a guide downloaded or screenshots of route guidance. As long as you can read or see a guide with no signal, you should be ok.

Take breaks when you need! It’s not a race, and whatever hill you may be on, the views are worth taking in. Also, Ben Lomond has a lot of false summits, so don’t get your hopes up too early…

Snacks and extra water are always good. Always worth overpacking than under.

I’d suggest going early! I always try to be on the hill before 8:30am personally, and travelling to certain ones mean leaving around 6am. Saves rushing down or fighting with daylight.

Last but not least, enjoy! (Be prepared to catch the bug!! You’ll be planning your 2nd trip not long after you’re home)

/r/Munros Thread