Please pray for me

I wanted to join this forum as I feel a fire burning in me to share what I have learned in my journey with God but most of the answers in this post are appalling... truly we have reached that era where the Bible says people will have a "form of Godliness bit deny the power thereof".

Anyway, here are my suggestions of things I think you can do. Please note that I have tried my best to be detailed here but I know it is not enough (especially on an online forum). So, I'm simply going to point you in the direction I think you should go but I really think there is a lot more you can discover if you walk this path:

  1. Recognise the work of the devil. The opinions you have about yourself or what others say about you are clearly influenced by our adversary. You need to realise that they are NOT TRUE. The devil's chief attack is to condemn you or get you to condemn yourself, but you can always remember what Romans 8:1 says "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus". Walk in confidence that God loves you as you are, and he has a life planned for you that will transform you into the person he created you to be. There is no condemnation with Jesus... even if you think you have failed, he will lift you up. So, next time you hear a voice pointing to your failings, you know who it is form.
  2. Find out what the Bible actually says about you. This is crucial to combating the condemnation I mention in point #1. The Word of God is more than just mere words... the Bible says in Romans 1:16 that it is "... the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth". The power of God will work in you according to the Word that you know (and understand) so you need to get reading it daily (if you're not already). Treat it like medicine... when we are sick, we take a pill several times a day. Simply ask God to speak to your heart as you read... the Holy Spirit will do the rest. I recommend that you start with the Gospel of John and then, when you are done, look through the New Testament for everything passage that talks about us "in Christ" or any variation thereof. I have seen people receive miracles from this alone.
  3. Keep your mind on God. The Bible says in Isaiah 26:3 that "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You". You might even need join a good community of believers to get yourself in a situation where it will be easy for you to receive form God.

    I have a few suggestions for people I think you can pray with and communities you can join but I will only add those if you ask for them.

But please don't lose hope. God created you with a plan... the world will keep fighting you so that you don't fulfil your destiny, but God always provides a way out.

My God guide you.

/r/Christianity Thread