Easily triggered when others talk negatively to me. I'm wondering if it may be a by-product of childhood trauma.

Btw bro, I have the exact same thing, I think neurotypicals have no idea of our sensitivity. It’s not their fault or ours. If we weren’t so sensitive, we would be very kind of meh about life like most people, since they are way less stimulated by life events and are more indifferent about things, which is healthier on the empathy or I guess emotional spectrum since it is around middle level. Whereas we are too entrenched by empathy, on the far end of the spectrum and psychopaths being on the opposite end of that.

It might work for you, what I did was I learnt to separate the objective situation (or memory of It eg trauma) from how I feel and process and release any emotion that’s left. That will get you through life pretty healthily, you will not be phased as much by anything or anyone.

/r/SCT Thread