I wanna eat these with milk for breakfast (Marine Protozoa Exoskeletons)

When I was a kid my mom got these dried out starfish when we went to Florida. When we got home she put them on them in a display bowl on the coffee table. I think she was trying to continue the beach mode vibe or whatever. I told her they were stupid and went about my day. I was a jerk teenager. The very next day, the starfish in the bowl we’re gone no trace of them. Obviously she blamed me and we went back-and-forth for days. A few days later she is cleaning and finds starfish crumbs in our dogs bed. He'd eaten them up like cruncy starfish bites. We confirmed this by offering him another starfish delicacy and he took the bait. I guess it tasted like bones from the sea to him.

/r/forbiddensnacks Thread Link - i.redd.it