What were you doing when the twin towers fell?

I wasn’t born.

However, my father was sitting inside the office of the Secretary of the Army in the A-Ring of the Pentagon, serving as an special assistant. Obviously, one can imagine the absolute pandemonium occurring within the “Safest Building in the World”. They immediately escorted the top officials to the underground bunker. Meanwhile, the rest of the office staff stayed and watched the news. Within the hour, the Pentagon erupted in earthquake due to the impact of the plane. Keep in mind, the A-Ring is the innermost part of the Pentagon. His office was actually in the process of being renovated - his former office was in the E-Ring, the outermost part of the building. Days later, he found out the plane had hit the exact fulcrum where his office space was located. It estimated that thousands could have died, if not for the renovation. I still to this day think it is a sheer miracle. Haunting to think I wouldn’t be writing this if not for a mundane renovation.

/r/AskReddit Thread