wanted to kill myslef over it and almost did, on and off with a glock to my head. ive shaved it before and made things worse. im on fin and min but boat alot and live in an area with a lot of water and my comb over cannot withstand it. Dont want to shave it, dont want to be depressed. what do?

Let’s just be completely honest no girl my age likes a bald guy. It ruins your life at a young age just the way it is. I have been in therapy since I was 18 and have taken many medications and been in the psych ward and in the end nothing works. My life has been utter hell the last few years. On top of going bald and dealing with ED, both of my parents got diagnosed with cancer and my best friend started to date the girl I was with for 3 years. And I lost my grandpa and uncle from COVID. I’m in constant grief, sorrow, pain and misery every day. No balding isn’t the only reason I’m depressed, but it is a HUGE catalyst and it made me lose all my confidence and social life so it pretty much makes life intolerable.

/r/bald Thread Parent