Warned for not "exceeding expectations" at the workplace

I have an employee that does the bare minimum, and like you said he "will always do exactly as I'm told and nothing more".

The problem with that is he completely lacks initiative. If a website goes down and he notices he will literally do nothing about it until he is directly told to do so. He waits for the customer to notice and call in and then waits for a manager to tell him to fix it, he will never just fix it before it becomes a problem.

He lacks creativity and problem solving skills. If I have him create a form I have to tell him every single field on it, what the text should be, how it should work, etc. I literally have to tell him "put a save button on the bottom" and if I forget to tell him that the save button should save the form to the database, I'll get a form with a save button on the bottom that does nothing.

He has no desire to learn anything. Web development is a very quickly changing field, but he refuses to keep up. If he is asked to work on something that uses any technology that is newer than 10 years old he'll send me an email that's hundreds of words long telling me why he can't do it. Usually the task would take less time than sending the email.

An employee is supposed to do the work, while he does exactly what he's told and nothing more I end up spending 10 times more time working with him and telling him what to do than I do with any other employee.

I don't know you, I may be way off base, but if it wasn't for the fact that he's worked here for 10 years now I would swear that he was OP.

Honestly you probably come across as lazy and having a bad attitude to your employer. I'm not saying you should work more than 40 hours a week, I don't, but, to me the statement "will always do exactly as I'm told and nothing more" is indicative of someone with a bad attitude, who will never take the initiative on anything.

/r/webdev Thread