I'm falling for an amazing man... who is more than double my age!! Help?

I was you about 10 years ago. I was 20, he was 44 (but certainly didn't look it!), and I thought it was love. The first 6 months were great...and then it was a long, slow, downhill slide.

It was awkward going out with his friends. It was awkward going out with my friends. So we convinced ourselves that we'd rather just stay home, anyways.

I was raised with cell phones and wifi...I wanted to text him throughout the day and would get really worried when he didn't respond. He was raised with landlines and the postal service...he preferred minimal contact during our time apart and hated texting more than anything else in life.

He had ideas of what a young woman should be, sexually. That I should be a nympho, always up for anything, always enthusiastic, and always ready to "enjoy myself" if he wanted a little show even if he couldn't get it up. I was nothing, NOTHING like that, and he always felt slighted in that regard.

I wanted to dabble in a lot of different things...he wanted someone with sincere commitment to things they deeply cared about.

He wanted an "equal" in decision making, and yet when I stepped up to help with decisions my input usually got discarded as he had more worldly knowledge and his ideas were "better."

There were so many mis-matches, in expectations, in experiences, in preferences...some don't come down to age, but a LOT did.

That relationship is dead and gone, and I am happily married now to someone my OWN age. Of course, if someone had told me back then what would happen, I'd tell them they were crazy, so I don't expect you to take any of the advice that is contrary to what you want to hear.

So I'll just say, enjoy it while it's enjoyable, and don't feel one bit bad about bailing when it's not enjoyable any more - don't waste any more time in a relationship that is doomed to fail than you have to.

/r/relationships Thread