I watched Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

Maybe she needs a warning, pep-talk first. I went back to school and unlike many, had my own place, a bank account from a previous career, also- I was a raging but functioning alcoholic. Because of my age, I associated with lots of older students, foreign students- some of them were quite serious. But my core group was 3-5 cigarette smokers, many of them also serious binge drinkers. I would invite people over and it was usually a long night of drinking, pizza, loud music, maybe some poker and Jenga, usually a few joints would be passed around. By two in the morning, I would be ready for sleep and people would leave.

Someone would invite a lab partner along, that person would be slightly familiar with me from class. But that person might be a first generation Korean woman from a conservative family and that person would not have a good time, she also would have no car and would have to wait until 2 or so to get home. I had a dog, sometimes the person would spend hours with the dog.

After a while, word got out but also I told the smokers- “you need to prep these guys- tell them it will be a party, but with no dancing, they may feel uncomfortable.”

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