What are the basics to understanding evolution?

Either way, my reply is useful to the field and the question of the thread.


My post applies directly to the mechanisms of biological evolution

No it doesn't because you're still ignoring the most important and most critical mechanisms of evolution.

I even mention neutral mutations in my explanation.

And completely downplay the fact it is one of the most important factors.

Neither drift nor neutral mutations are required to understand the mechanisms of evolution

Yes they are, they are the critical drivers of evolution.

Those subs aren't appropriate places for the question or my answers

Yes they are, because you chose to ignore incredibly important information and instead think that dumbed down and ignorant answers are the solution.

as this isn't an attempt to debate, but to inform, and that I have done.

You did not inform, you gave information that is critically incorrect.

Feel free to add to the discussion with details you feel are pertinent.

Done and done.

/r/evolution Thread Parent