What are some of the things that Dave does that show a conflict of interest?

  • Talks shit about cc (which in my opinion is fair. I have horrible self-control and literally cut up all my cc when I paid the last one off with my taxes), but accepts Apples Mastercard on his website. I just double-checked. Also, didn’t he literally just create a cc recently lol?

  • talks about being a Christian and having a fair/open workplace, but he has literally been successfully sued for laying off employees for doing things in their private lives he does not agree with (having kids out of wedlock among other things)

  • talks about being a Christian and having a fair/open workplace, but from my understanding, when you are interviewing to work with Dave you have to dinner with him and his wife so she can ask you questions he cannot legally ask you

  • talks about working hard and “stop being a snowflake living in your moms basement”, but from my understanding, everyone in his immediate family works for him and never had any other job, and we’re immediately promoted to a high-level role which any other person would have to work years for to get. Can you nepotism?

  • he makes it seem like he is this hard working, built a real estate empire, humble guy (which in a lot of ways he is), but he literally did not get rich taking his own advise lol. He declared bankruptcy at least once and built a media empire slanging common sense/arguably speaking predatory financial products to the masses that then funded his real estate empire.

/r/DirtyDave Thread