What are the_donald's opinions on Trump's negative stance against abortion?

Have you ever thought or said the same thing as someone you were close to? In a fairly frequent manner? That's telepathy, we're not so good at it now.

Did you not see the millions of CIA documents released recently? Remote viewing is a real ability. These children will change the future :) many are already here with incredible gifts. Shifting tides for humanity to pursue something more noble. This will be an amazing renaissance period. Many children are natural remote viewers, but the ability can be trained and the CIA even had a program to do so. We will be learning things like this in the future, instead of bullshit indoctrination to keep us from using our abilities. Many in Hollywood give us clues, many movies portray things that are indeed real. Stranger things and Dr. Strange most recently had many clues. Using our energy to heal others among other things. Trump knows this stuff. That's why he brought up changing our civilization, all these things they have suppressed for so long is going to come out.

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