What? You can only duo in NORMAL games?

good. I'm sick and tired of every multiplayer game catering to toxic premades. my last straw was when riot presented a chat to me on a chatban where I had muted the premade I was unfortunate to be matched with on my side while they were getting the full on premad eon the other side (matching queer names included) to be vulgar and screw with me until i muted the entire match and I didn't say shit out of line. 8 other players said shit that should have had them banned, but apparently human beings don't look at it and it just autobans so you can be a premade and spam reports while being reportable yourself and get innocent solo players banned. I had to put upw ith crap like that at least a time or two a night once they forced me to deal with premades in every single damn mode once they removed ranked mode which wa smostly what I played to avoid the premades. weeks later i still didn't hextech rewards so there wa sno point in playing or even trying. I had the ancient raf skins (dont ask/dont tell) so the account had alittle extra value. Im going to sell it, and use an old smurf to play it and troll back and script my ass off until its banned since itll be th emost fun I had in a while with that pos. I plan to sell other peoples' scripts to stupid people without google or access to some to recoup some costs since I invested way too much intot hat game over the years. basically, premades are the reason i quit, and I am sick of them ruining the fun in games for me since even the games where I haven't encountered many toxic ones it just spoils the fun by getting curbstomped by them. even dbd which sold the game to killers by devs claiming to not allow them and designing game around the absence of them (mechanics clearly designed around absence of voip) caved for more ales and before even beginning to rebalance the game opened the floodgates of psychopathic little trolls only logging in to play just so that they could prevent somebody else from having any fun. and my god, in THAT game, just a lone player abusing a certain exploit was horrible, let alone FOUR of them all taking turns doing it while giving heads up on your location constantly. I DESPISE premades. I will cheat in any game that allows them too large in proportion to team sizes and gameplay. and no, dbd has not banned me nor did league but I only started using scripts this season to counter the premades in normals 2.0 (took the place of now ranked).

/r/SupernovaGame Thread