What did I do wrong?

Here's my issue with OP's treatment at /r/GamerGhazi

I think people expect everyone to communicate like a neurotypical person, even in feminist communities and its incredibly ableist. People are quick to go onto the attack of a person who may not be communicating in a way that is deemed 'suitable' to them.

I encounter this problem when my disorganized thought symptoms flare up, its horrible for me as an eloquent person to watch my own degradation, let alone get dogpiled for not saying things in a way neurotypical people deem correct.

I'm not comfortable with this idea that I have to disclose my issues everytime I open a discussion. Honestly it leads to people bullying me more, more often than not.

I think the problem here is people assumed malice without considering that OP may be neurodivergent.
We need to be way more critical of our own assumptions when engaging with someone.

I'm really sorry they treated you this way /u/feddyuppuyddef I personally think it reeks of neurotypicality.

I understand there are a lot of awful people in the world who would phrase things similarly, but I can't abide by this trend of dog piling people online. I'm not saying don't be hurt/ angry by someone's words, I'm saying think more critically about whether its malice or neurodivergence. Consider us, we exist and most of the time are just trying to be part of the community.

Expecting us to behave in a neurotypical manner all the time is erasure. Please restrain your urge to jump on people for communicating differently.

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