What do you want from modern stage lighting software?

I love new technology and I respect your desire to upset the apple cart but there are some holes in this.

Laptops and phones make terrible control surfaces for live performance. There is a good reason for buying hardware controls over much less expensive virtual setups. Virtual controls limit usability in a live performance. I can have my hands on physical controls while watching the show and always have immediate control without needing to look at the desk. Virtual controls make this nearly impossible. I can currently use a tablet or phone as a remote. It's cramped and clunky, not because of the software, but the lack of control surface. Also there is no way I'd consider using a wireless connection for control of a lighting system in a live performance. (Wireless DMX doesn't count here as top brands use different, much more robust technology than WiFi or cellular radio.)

Where are the real players in the list of 'current software'? Not including MA, Hog, and Avolites seems to be a major oversight. Have you operated any of those desks and seen their capabilities and workflows?

Not everyone uses dimmers anymore. This seems concept appears very theatre-centric and leaves out much live performance.

The referenced Control Booth posts are a bit dated and are mostly from an ETC users perspective.

The features you listed at the bottom are mostly implemented in modern consoles with the exception of voice recognition. Voice recognition? really? When trying to program lights, sound check is often also being done... It would be of limited use. I can't see myself using it on a console, not to mention it would be slower than command line.

/r/lightingdesign Thread Link - assembly.com