Jim Carrey: Need more color

I'd likely make a great painter or woodworker, but I don't have the money to pursue either. I'm sure the next line is "you can budget, you can make it happen if you really believe in it" Sorry, I spent 10 years chasing my dream and its left me in debt and working retail. Not everyone gets a happy ending.

So you basically dropped the ball and now your anecdotal experience speaks for most everyone that isn't rich. Yeah, OK.

I think people often confuse things like "vocation chooses you" with "pursue your dreams and the money will follow". The latter is of course nonsense. The former is true; you can have a vocation that pays damn near nothing at all.

I say this because, having been everything from homeless to decently well off, I have never been at a loss in the creativity department. Sure, I haven't always had the best paints or tools, but you can buy acrylic paint at the dollar store. You can paint with old house paint, blood, food dye, etc. Lots of artists live in coop buildings or studios, eat like shit, and make art. What about maker spaces, high school or college shop space? Those artist coops I mentioned usually have community resources too.

When I was poor I didn't have a TV, a real bed, and my refrigerator was a dorm-sized one I found on the side of the road - but I had a tote bin full of cheap paints, a really beat up camera, the shittiest film you could buy (expired 35mm movie film stock), a bathroom that you had to move the 50-year-old, duct taped photo enlarger over to take a shit, and a room full of recycled junk for making art. I worked odd jobs, sometimes "real" jobs, plenty of photo gigs and sometimes I even got to sell some art. The whole starving artist cliche.

As I got older, if anything got in the way of my artistic bent, I didn't do it. Job with way better pay, but it would suck the free time out of my life? Fuck it. You have to make trade-offs. Most people spend their entire lives being dirt poor and unknown, and some folks end up like Jim Carrey.

I guess if your dream is to be an astronaut, play in the NFL or to run a hedge fund - well you're probably SOL. But as far as making art, even crap art, well everyone can do that. It takes nothing more than imagination and the motivation to do it. If you aren't sacrificing certain aspects of your lifestyle, reputation and/or sanity pursuing your vocation than you didn't really take it to the level wherein you could say "I can't do it".

There is, to my experience at least, no true barrier to creativity except our own minds. It's not the same as "why don't you just get a better job" because you don't need to depend on someone else to make art or be a craftsman. And this isn't the opinion of some trust-funded, white privileged baby boomer or something. People in fucking Syria are creating things.

TL;DR: The Iceman Cometh

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