What the fuck happened to my life? I went to college, played by their rules and here I am eating another goddamn bowl of Ramen because its $.10 a package. FUCK. I'm 35! This shit isn't funny anymore.

Your only realistic alternative is to accept that shit happens and you'll get laid off from time to time as an adult. Trust me, I speak from experience: the first time is the tough one -- the second, third, fourth, etc. are all a lot easier.

This is warm ignorance right here.

Yes shit does happen... for a reason. Every single damn thing on this planet is one moment bleeding into the next.

It's entirely possible then that this shit doesn't have to happen.

The only way to make any sort of change is to look at things without bias and assess them based on what is actually there. And not our perception (a non trivial task to be sure).

You seem to have some notion that our financial system has some sort of merit. As though it's already been decided that pursuing "success" in the terms of finances and economics is the best way to expend energy. As a person who worked on back end financial systems and have seen how fucked we all are being I find your faith in the system incredibly amusing.

I watched a very powerful educated person run a finance company while he also maintained a second one in direct competition with the first secretly with most of the other heads of the company. I know the head sys admin was head sys admin on both systems. In these systems secure financial data is treated with the same care as children toys. These systems had my family members in them, most major financial institutions and some government stuff was in this system.

I am not surprised ever when I hear about data leaks or problems with that. It's expected because these systems work for profit and nothing more.

So what should a person do knowing that your financial success can be completely destroyed by a bug. I read an article a while back about a guy getting landed with 20,000k in debt that's not his. For all I know I was the one that did that. Try as hard as you want you are at the mercy of these systems. If they choose you to fuck well thats that. No one will ever understand what happened, but the data will be forever altered.

Don't try and white wash this shit with "life isn't fair". I fucking know that. I developed ptsd from childhood torture and neglect. Maybe it doesn't have to be so fucking shitty for so many.

Our society is a massive complex system. There are rules for massive systems that determine their operations. When we instantiated our social institutions we had no knowledge of this or psychology.

We understand humans and complex systems better. It's so much more than what one person does. It's what all of us do combined.

So my point is your response is a bullshit cop out. Life is just chaos, that's it, no moral spin. Massive systems exchanging energy. Social systems require belief in order to operate. Part of the 'energy' that they use to exist is drawn from the combined energy of all the participants. By telling people that life just sucks sometimes and you get a bad hand you are forgetting there are people out there with good hands using that influence to stack the deck. By excusing that you remove the social power of change from it since you present a world with no alternatives. Sometimes you get fucked and have to work at starbucks. FUCK THAT. Smarten up, there are people profiting off of this design and working to keep it that way. By ending the conversation you stop the ideas that need support.

Instead of resigning yourself to this shit happens. This shit happens to a lot of us and we don't have to take it. Have some fucking compassion. There is an explanation for peoples shitty lives beyond they are shitty people. You don't get to be right because your view of the world seems shittier. If any change is to happen we HAVE to believe in it. Despite massive belief in the contrary the datas suggests that people do not have personal responsibility. This means you NEED to help those in need because they might not be able to do it themselves. We are a social species that has succeeded by working together. Our very brief divergence from that trend has had very severe consequences for many.

TL;DR The world is very very very complicated.

/r/wheredidthesodago Thread Link - i.imgur.com